My last battle

My last battle
This is me fighting in my final battle against the dragon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Final Battle

At last I have been defeated. Now here I sit in the next world with God, sitting at his throne. It started off as any other battle, me against the dragon. This beast had “Murderous flames, spreading them everywhere.” (line 2582) I attempted to kill the monster by striking my sword into its scaly hide but my sword failed me. “The ancient blade broke, bit into the monster’s skin, drew blood, but cracked and failed him before it went deep enough.” (lines 2577-2579) As soon as my sword had failed me I knew I was in trouble because I was without my weapon ,the one that helped me for so long, and the monster was now more mad than before! The dragon came at me breathing fire, after I fell back, and his flames surrounded me. I was severely suffering in the flames. There was nothing I could do as the dragon continued to breathe the flames. As for my brave and noble followers, they were extremely helpful when they ran away in fear for their lives. Only one of my comrades came to my aid. His name is Wiglaf, the son of Wexstan and a good soldier. Together we, Wiglaf and I, finished off the dragon. I came to fight the dragon to seek the treasure it had been guarding for so long. Since I was injured, weak, and on my death bed, Wiglaf went inside the cave and brought some of the dragon’s treasure to show me. I was gasping for air, knowing I would die at any moment, and told Wiglaf “For this, gold, these jewels, I thank our Father in Heaven, Ruler of the Earth-for all of this, that His grace has given me, allowed me to bring to my people while breath still come to my lips. I sold my life for this treasure, and I sold it well. Take what I leave, Wiglaf, lead my people help them; my time is gone.” ( lines 2794-2801) I gave him my golden necklace, gold-covered helmet, rings, and mail shirt, moments after I gave him these things I died. I am now writing from the next world and I have to say I was saddened to leave my people behind. I am at peace knowing that my people are in the hands of Wiglaf, I know he will do what’s in the best interest for the people.

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