My last battle

My last battle
This is me fighting in my final battle against the dragon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Me Versus Grendel's Mother

I am going to go fight the mother of the monster whom I previously defeated. The lake that I am going through to find Grendel’s mother, who lives in a watery hell, seems to go on forever. Finally I have discovered the bottom and Grendel’s greedy mother has discovered me. She is starting to attack me by clutching at me with her claws and scratching in vain at my ring-woven mail. I do not think she has yet realized that I am not an ordinary warrior. I am getting worried because she is dragging me into her home, I cannot free my sword, and other monsters have come to see what she has. I now freed my sword but I cannot get it to slice the skin of this monster, therefore I shall have to use my bare hands. I will not give up, “So fame comes to the men who mean to win it and care about nothing else!” (lines 1534-1536) I grabbed her and threw her to the floor. I was going to leap onto her but she got up and is tearing at me. I was so startled my feet stumbled and I fell, causing me to be helpless. The mail shirt on my chest has thankfully saved me from the blade she has attempted to end me with. I need a weapon to fight back with. As I look around I see only a “sword, hammered by giants, strong and blessed with their magic, the best of all weapons” (lines 1558-1559). I quickly snatch it from its scabbard and cut her head off with all of my strength. I am thoroughly rejoicing at this sight. The battle is over although deep inside my heart continues to be filled with anger. I have repaid Grendel for his visits to Herot. Grendel is lying dead in his corner but, even though he is dead, I am so outraged I shall cut off his head just as I did his mother’s. I have swam back to the top of the lake where I see the Geats are waiting my arrival. We may now all rejoice that the battles against Grendel and his mother have come to an end!

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