My last battle

My last battle
This is me fighting in my final battle against the dragon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Fight With Grendel

Today I shall go to Herot and fight the monster named Grendel whom has killed many men. This monster has been killing men and effecting the Danes for far too long and must be put to an end. The men that have gone to fight him have never been successful, they have all been killed by this beast. Grendel does not use any weapons nor does he fear. Since he does not use weapons during his fights and does not fear, neither shall I. “Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not” (lines 677-678) I do not want people to think less of me if I have used weapons and he did not.
I am now waiting quietly in Herot, with many other men, waiting for Grendel to arrive. I can now  see him inside Herot looking at the hall and all of the warriors it contains. He snatched the first Geat he has come to and has ripped him apart and is drinking the blood from his viens. He has now tried clutching at me with his claws but I can tell from his reaction that he is stunned he has met a man whose hands are harder than his own. Grendel has attempted to flee but I must win this battle. I have stopped him from fleeing and now shall fasten his claws until his fists crack! The monster cannot just walk away from this battle! I have seited another opportunity to hurt him once again and with a firm grip on his arm have snapped it off. Grendel has left Herot severely injured and at last the battle is over. I have won the battle against the mighty Grendel and shall receive all of the honor and fame for doing so.

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